RTC Outdoor Pickleball Courts Map

As the weather gets nicer and more and more people are playing outside, the pickleball courts at Seneca Park and Edgemoor Park tend to get very busy. You might be inclined to reserve some courts at Riverside Tennis Center. Or maybe you have reserved courts there and wondered, “Which court is mine?”

Riverside Tennis Center Outdoor Pickleball Courts Layout

Here’s a handy-dandy court layout map to help you.

The three courts on the North end with the hitting wall are your three original outdoor pickleball courts. The six new pickleball courts that opened last month are just to the South of the original courts. There are four courts on one row and another two next to them. I have them numbered in the map above so it’s easier to tell which ones they are.

The pickleball courts are numbered in the online reservation system so you’ll know exactly which courts you’ve reserved but finding the correct court when you arrive onsite might be another matter.

Personally, I like being able to look at the court layout map and reserving specific courts. For instance, when I have a group of 12 players, I prefer to reserve pickleball courts 1-3 because then we have our own private area for play. When I have a group of 8 players, I prefer to reserve pickleball courts 8-9.

This may not matter to most people but I feel that knowing which courts are which ahead of making my reservation is logistically better for me and my play group. Also, making sure that are courts are together and not split up enhances our playing experience. I wouldn’t want some of my players on court 3 and others on court 4 because mixing the teams up becomes more challenging. If the courts are split up it makes the ladders (my favorite and preferred format of play — where winners move up and losers move down) completely cumbersome.

Anyway, I hope you find this map helpful. Let me know if there are other tips and resources that you’d like to see.

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