I heard about DUPR when it was first being developed and I admit that I was very skeptical. For those unfamiliar with it, DUPR stands for Dynamic Universal Pickleball Ratings. It is the official ratings of the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) tour and is a system that allows for recreational players to have ratings without playing in tournaments. Anyone can sign up for a free DUPR account, play matches with friends or others who have a DUPR account, and get an accurate rating.
All of this is great but I couldn’t envision players actually entering match results. I just figured that people would lack the initiative to submit and validate their match results specially when there is very little incentive to do so. Anyway, I conducted a little experiment over the last two Mondays to see how people would respond. The results were surprisingly positive.
When I set up play for the past two Mondays, I encouraged everyone to sign up for DUPR ahead of time so that we could easily report our match results. There were some who didn’t sign up and others who required a little hand-holding but, for the most part, people were pretty easy to peer pressure into joining.
Reporting results is super simple through the DUPR app. You basically just open the app and then press the Add Match button and follow the prompts. The video below shows how easy it is to log your matches.

It is a lot easier if all the players have DUPR accounts because then you can simply look them up by name. If they don’t have one, you can still add them to the match but you have to invite them to sign up. You’ll need their email address in order to do this.
Once you log a match, one of the players from the opposing team just needs to confirm the accuracy of the scores you submitted and then you’re good to go. When a match is logged, an email is sent to the players to validate the results. Once the results are validated, you’ll immediately receive a notification about your DUPR rating change.
Ratings go up and down dynamically with each match that is logged and validated so you don’t have to wait several weeks (or sometimes even months) for your ratings to update. The more matches you play and log, the more accurate your rating is so the system is super useful specially if you can most of the players in your community using it.

One of the main benefits of DUPR is that it allows recreational players to have a rating that is somewhat reliable. Instead of simply guessing what your rating it and having it be static, you can estimate your rating at first but then it will increase or decrease based on your match results. So even though you may not play in any tournaments, as long as you or other players that you are playing with are logging match results, your ratings will dynamically update in real-time with each match.

As you log more matches, you end up with a neat graphical representation of your wins and losses like the one above. I think it will really look cool and be more meaningful over time.
My final thoughts on DUPR? It’s actually not as bad as I thought it would be. Logging matches is pretty easy. If you have time in between matches, you can log them right then. For the two Mondays that we did this, I just had everyone write their scores down on a score sheet and take a picture of it for later reference and then I logged all of my matches when I got home later that day. You can log your matches at any time but, of course, the sooner that you log it the better because the longer that you wait, the harder it will be to remember the results (unless you’ve taken a picture of the score sheets as I have).
Anyway, I highly recommend signing up for a free DUPR account because, once you’re registered, it’s so easy to log your matches. And, it gets even easier to log matches when you know all the people that you’re playing with and against have DUPR accounts as well. In fact, my league partner asked if we could log our league matches last night on DUPR and so we did.
I think he would have rather we logged our matches from the past couple of weeks that we actually won (we lost our two matches last night) but such is life. You win some and lose some. Now he probably wishes that he never suggested reporting the matches. LOL.