This video covers drills that you can use to develop and improve the top 9 skills that every pickleball player needs to be successful at playing doubles.
- Dinking and dink volleys
- Attacking from the non-volley zone (NVZ)
- Resetting and blocking from the NVZ
- Baseline skills including drives (flat, topspin, and slice) and drop shots
- Transition zone skills (includes drop volley, drop half volley, driving volley, and also driving, dropping, and rolling approach ground strokes)
- Serving
- Returning
- Lobs
- Overheads
PrimeTime Pickleball put together a pickleball drill workout that you can do with your favorite drilling partner. It is demonstrated in the above video and, if done regularly, will help you with the top skills that you need to be successful and win more points/games.
1:32 “Dinks Only” Warmup (2 to 5 minutes)
3:05 “Dinks Only” Drill (down the line, cross court from the even side, cross court from the odd side)
6:42 “Volleys Only” Warmup (2 to 5 minutes)
7:51 “Dinks + Attacks” Drill (down the line, cross court from the even side, cross court from the odd side)
10:00 “3rd Shot Drop” Drill (down the line, cross court from the even side, cross court from the odd side – remember to switch roles each time)
12:06 “Transition Zone” Drill (down the line, cross court from the even side, cross court from the odd side – remember to switch roles each time)
14:35 “Modified Skinny Singles” Drill (down the line, cross court from the even side, cross court from the odd side – remember to switch roles each time)
17:09 “Skinny Singles” Drill (down the line, cross court from the even side, cross court from the odd side)
Drilling on a regular basis is one of the best ways to improve your skills as a pickleball player, specially if you feel like you’ve it a plateau. Print this outline and bring it with you during your next practice session and let us know what you think in the comments.