Someone recently asked me for information about local leagues so I decided to create a page dedicated to local pickleball league information. Depending on when you’re reading this, schedules and information may have changed so be sure to call or check the facility’s website to confirm. Click on the links below to view specific cost and start date/time information.
The graphic on the right was updated August 2024. Additional information about the leagues and registration information below.
- Monday Evening
- Men’s Intermediate
- Women’s Intermediate
- Tuesday Evening
- Mixed Intermediate
- Mixed Competitive
- Wednesday Evening
- Men’s Competitive
- Men’s Super Competitive
- Thursday Evening
- Women’s Advanced (round robin)
- Women’s Novice
The Pickle Center at West YMCA
- Monday
- 50+ Team League (daytime)
- Novice/Beginners (evening)
- Wednesday
- Women’s Doubles (evening)
- Men’s Doubles (evening)
- Friday
- Mixed Doubles (evening)
- Saturday
- Team League (afternoon/evening)
- Monday Evening
- Men’s Doubles
- Wednesday Evening
- Women’s Doubles
- Thursday Morning
- 50+ Doubles
- Thursday Evening
- Mixed Doubles
- Friday Evening
- Beginners
- Sunday Evening
- Advanced
- Tuesday Evening
- Women’s Round Robin League
- Wednesday Evening
- Women’s Doubles
- Thursday Evening
- Co-ed Advanced Duos
- Sunday Morning
- Co-ed Church League (juniors)
- Co-ed Church League (adults)