Pickleball.com Transition is Now Complete

A couple of years ago the two primary websites we used to search and register for tournaments – PickleballTournaments.com and PickleballBrackets.com – merged to form one entity. The plan was to consolidate everything under the Pickleball.com website but there were many, many things that needed to be done before this could happen. In the meantime, all tournament listings and registrations for both websites were moved to PickleballBrackets.com. This is the website most tournament players were accustomed to using in 2024.

Fast forward to January 2025. The transition is now complete and all leagues and tournaments are now consolidated under the Pickleball.com website. Here are some helpful articles to help you navigate (and make the most out of) the new website:

If you don’t already have an account on Pickleball.com, I highly recommend creating one and linking your DUPR because this is how you’ll be able to sign up for most tournaments (except the smaller, local charity events that are not using this platform).

How to Find Tournaments

Anyway, I wanted to make sure that you are all aware of these changes because I don’t want our players to miss out on any awesome tournaments simply because of lack of information. Good luck at any tournaments you enter and keep making Wichita proud! Let’s do this!

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