This tournament is being played on up to 20 indoor climate-controlled courts on tennis court surface at Matrix Club in Northwest Arkansas.
Free food for players with Cash Bar. Noon to 3pm on Saturday, January 18.
Registration fee is $45 and each event is $10. Matrix members receive a $5 discount.
(To receive member discount, player must be linked to Matrix Racquet Club. Check your linked organizations on your dashboard. Add Matrix Racquet Club or email and request to be added.)
The schedule is as follows:
Friday | Men's and Women's Singles
Saturday | Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles, Open Doubles
Sunday | Mixed Doubles
Saturday and Sunday play may begin as early as 8am.
Specific start times for each event will be posted by the Wednesday prior to the event and are subject to change.
Age level brackets within skill level will be considered following registration.
A team must play at the skill level of the higher rated player (or higher) and the age group of the younger player. Age is calculated as of 12/31/2025.
There are no referees. Matches are self-monitored. If a referee is requested, we will do our best to provide one.